Related Technologies
This page includes an alphabetical list of additional technologies we reviewed while compiling the Technologies Knowledgebase. Some of these technologies are not included in our main list because they are not fundamentally lexicographical tools even though they may be very useful in a dictionary project. Other technologies included on this pages are ones that are now out of date or obsolete. Some of these tools are cited and mentioned in the published literature on lexicography, while others were used in the compilation of older dictionaries. Older technologies are included here for reference, and whenever possible, we have recommended a newer tool which may serve a similar purpose.
Many of these tools remain extremely useful and may be used alongside lexicography software included on the main Technologies Knowledgebase.
Audacity – a widely used tool for general audio editing. It can be used to edit language recordings.
DOBES – an archive for documentation data of endangered languages.
ELAN – an annotation tool for audio and video recordings.
ELAR – a digital repository for multimedia collections of endangered languages from all over the world.
FileMaker – a general database tool.
Language Sustainability Toolkit – a document from WikiTongues which can help communities develop a roadmap for starting a revitalization project.
LaTeX – a document preparation and typesetting system. It includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation, and is increasingly used in scientific communications and publications.
Lexware – Bob Hsu’s Lexware system for building bilingual dictionaries was developed starting in the 1970s at the University of Hawaii. It is no longer being supported, but is still used by some lexicographers. More information on using Lexware as of 2018 can be found here. TLex and FLEx are good alternatives to Lexware. More information on Lexware can be found here.
Matapuna – The Mātāpuna Dictionary Writing System was a free, easy to use, web-based, multi-user, multilingual dictionary writing system. It was used to compile Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori: The Māori Language Commissions monolingual dictionary of the Māori language. It has not been updated since 2013.
PARADISEC – a digital archive for language and cultural data.
PolyGlot (Spoken Language Construction Kit) – An open source lexicon software designed for conlangs (created languages). Includes tools for orthography, grammar, phonology, lexicon creation, and a word generator.
Praat – software for the analysis of speech and phonetics.
Prince – converts HTML to PDF, and can be used to format e-publications (such as dictionaries).
SIL Sheetswiper – converts spreadsheets containing linguistic data to Standard Format, and is designed for use with other SIL technologies (Toolbox, Lexique Pro).