Language Forge — More Information


  1. Access & Compatibility
  2. Cost
  3. Internet
  4. Skills Required


  1. Script Support
  2. Language Support
  3. Customizability
  4. Multi-User Support

Data & Compatibility

  1. Software Compatibility
  2. Import
  3. Export


1. Access & Compatibility

Language Forge is compatible with both desktop and handheld devices running Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android operating systems.

Users can go to the Language Forge website to sign in and begin using the product.

Users can only contribute to a project if they are a project manager or invited via email by the project manager.

2. Cost

Language Forge is free to use. However, SIL International encourages donations.

3. Internet

Internet access is required to use Language Forge. It cannot be accessed offline.

4. Skills Required

Language Forge was designed as an accessible way for would-be users of a FLEx database to participate in the project. It is beginner-friendly. Users need minimal technology skills and do not need any formal linguistic understanding to use the product.

Every Language Forge project must be connected to a FLEx database. The project manager who uses FLEx will require more advanced technology skills.


5. Script Support

Language Forge is Unicode compliant, and can support scripts of most languages.

6. Language Support

Language Forge has multiple language interfaces available. There is a SIL discussion forum which details how users can connect with the Language Forge team to translate the interface using Transifex if they cannot find their required language.

7. Customizability

By default, Language Forge has minimal visible data fields (i.e. Definition, Gloss, Pictures, Part of Speech, Semantic Domain) so that users with less linguistic experience are able to fill out the most important fields. However, default visible data fields can be customized as detailed here.

The project manager assigns member roles—observer, commenter, or collaborator—with increasing levels of interaction permissions, from viewing to commenting to editing. Member-specific settings can be adjusted, limiting the scope of the project available to specific roles, as needed.

8. Multi-User Support

Language Forge is designed as a collaborative tool which can be accessed by multiple users simultaneously with near real-time collaboration feedback.

Each entry has a feedback mechanism, allowing members to add comments, reply, and have discussion about specific data within the project. The project manager determines whether a comment can be resolved or marked as ‘TODO’ to be completed later.

Data & Compatibility

9. Software Compatibility

Developed as a companion product, Language Forge is only compatible with FLEx, which is integrated with the SIL suite (including ToolboxLexique ProPathway, and DAB) and Microsoft Word.

10. Import

Data can be imported to Language Forge from FLEx using the Send/Receive function.

11. Export

Language Forge data can only be exported to FLEx using the Send/Receive function.