Dictionnaire atikamekw-français, français-atikamekw
Language Name
Alternate Language Names
Cree, Naskapi, Montagnais, ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐍᐏᐣ, Nēhiyawēwin, Innu-aimun.
Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Northwest Territories, Canada.
Véronique Chachai, Marie-Odile Junker, Nicole Petiquay (Authors).
Others Involved
Atikamekw Sipi – National Atikamekw Council (Developers and publishers). Besides this council, we are unable to access information about others who may have been involved in creation of this dictionary.
Publishing Information
The Atikamekw-French dictionary was published July 13 2021, while the French-Atikamekw dictionary was published October 22 2021. They were both published by the National Atikamekw Council in La Tuque, Quebec, Canada.
How People are Cited
We are unable to access the dictionary to determine how people, such as speakers and contributors, are cited.
How Information is Cited
We are unable to access this dictionary to determine how, or where source materials are cited.
Where is Information Coming from
We are unable to access this dictionary to determine where the information is coming from or what sources were used.
Tools and Framework used
This dictionary is available as a physical book.
The physical copy of this dictionary can be accessed through libraries, or can be purchased online through the atikamekw ressources de langue website; under Livres.
Included Languages and Directionality
Atikamekw and French. The Atikamekw-French dictionary follows the direction of the title, and so does the French-Atikamekw dictionary.
Dialects Included
We are unable to access this dictionary to determine which dialects are included. However, the descriptions of both dictionaries state that they represent the language spoken in 3 communities situated in Haute-Mauricie in Quebec: Manawan, Opitciwan, and Wemotaci.
Type of Dictionary
This is a monolingual and bilingual dictionary. The dictionaries’ descriptions state that they are both monolingual dictionaries for Atikamekw, and bilingual dictionaries for Atikamekw-French (and vice versa). We are unable to access this dictionary to determine other details.
How are Entries Organised
We are unable to access this dictionary to determine how entries are organised. However, we do know that both dictionaries include an introduction to the language, grammatical information, definitions, examples, and extracts from Atikamekw texts and authors.
Other Features
Feature | Included | More Information |
Guide to use and understand | Unknown | |
Audio | ❌ | |
Images | Unknown | |
Example phrases | ✅ | |
Speakers marked | ❌ | |
Dialects marked | Unknown |
Other Notes
These two dictionaries are print versions of dictionnaire Atikamekw.
The descriptions for the dictionaries have a translated Atikamekw version below with audio. Both the original and translated descriptions can be found in the atikamekw ressources de langue website, under Livres.
External Links
Reference Dictionnaire Atikamekw-Français on WorldCat: https://search.worldcat.org/title/1293473670
Reference Dictionnaire Français-Atikamekw on WorldCat: https://search.worldcat.org/title/1288700990
Direct link to purchase Dictionnaire Atikamekw-Français through lulu: https://www.lulu.com/fr/shop/nicole-petiquay-and-marie-odile-junker-and-v%C3%A9ronique-chachai/dictionnaire-atikamekw-fran%C3%A7ais/hardcover/product-6kpekq.html?page=1&pageSize=4
Direct link to purchase Dictionnaire Français-Atikamekw through lulu: https://www.lulu.com/fr/shop/nicole-petiquay-and-marie-odile-junker-and-v%C3%A9ronique-chachai/dictionnaire-fran%C3%A7ais-atikamekw/hardcover/product-68p8rj.html?page=1&pageSize=4
Reference both Dictionnaire Atikamekw-Français and Dictionnaire Français-Atikamekw on the Livres page from atikamekw ressources de langue: https://www.langueatikamekw.ca/dictionnaire/livres/