A Concise Dictionary of the Nuuchahnulth Language of Vancouver Island
Language Name
Alternate Language Names
Nootka, t’aat’aaqsapa, tahkaht, Westcoast.
British Columbia, Canada.
John T. Stonham.
Others Involved
This dictionary is based on Edward Sapir’s and Morris Swadesh’s fieldnotes throughout the 20th century.
We are unable to access information about others who may have been involved in creation of this dictionary.
Publishing Information
Published 2005, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY.
How People are Cited
We are unable to access the dictionary to determine how people, such as speakers and contributors, are cited.
How Information is Cited
We are unable to access this dictionary to determine how, or where, source materials are cited.
Where is Information Coming from
The information in this dictionary is based on Edward Sapir’s fieldnotes between 1910 and 1922, fieldnotes by Morris Swadesh in the 1940s, and Stonham’s field research since the 1980s.
Tools and Framework used
This dictionary is available as a physical book.
The physical dictionary is accessible through libraries.
A print copy of this dictionary is available through Mellen Press for $319.95 USD as of mid 2023 (https://mellenpress.com/book/Concise-Dictionary-of-the-Nuuchahnulth-Language-of-Vancouver-Island/6249/).
Included Languages and Directionality
The dictionary is Nuu-chah-nulth to English with an English to Nuu-chah-nulth glossary.
Dialects Included
We are unable to access this dictionary to determine which dialects are included.
Type of Dictionary
This is a bilingual, bi-directional word list, followed by a brief grammar.
How are Entries Organised
We are unable to access this dictionary to determine how entries are organised.
Other Features
Feature | Included | More Information |
Guide to use and understand | Unknown | |
Audio | ❌ | |
Images | Unknown | |
Example phrases | ✅ | |
Speakers marked | Unknown | |
Dialects marked | Unknown |
External Links
Reference on WorldCat: https://www.worldcat.org/title/57579383
The print dictionary’s listing on Mellen Press: https://mellenpress.com/book/Concise-Dictionary-of-the-Nuuchahnulth-Language-of-Vancouver-Island/6249/
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